Worship Ministries


Acolytes carry the cross in procession. They also assist in collecting the offerings.


Altar Guild

The Altar Guild, under the direction of our priest, is responsible for the preparation of the altar, chancel
and other appropriate parts of the sanctuary for all services, (i.e. Sunday, weddings and funerals, and
special services such as Holy Week). They care for the linens, vessels and vestments and keep the
sacristy clean and stocked with necessary supplies.


The choir is a group of dedicated musicians that lead the congregation in singing hymns and service
music and offer an anthem each week. They believe that music uplifts and empowers. It enhances the
whole worship experience by connecting the church seasons and the lessons of the day. Music connects
us with God and our fellow worshipers as we raise our voices in praise.

Flower Guild

St Joseph’s flower guild works closely with the altar guild to enhance the worship experience.  Each
week, a dedicated team prepares flower arrangements to adorn the Lord’s table.  During Christmas and
Easter, we plan special floral displays to commemorate these special feast days.  


Lay Eucharistic Ministers 

Lay Eucharistic Ministers help the priest set up the altar to celebrate the Eucharist and assist in the
distribution of Communion by offering the chalice to each communicant.

Lay Eucharistic Visitors 

Lay Eucharistic visitors are trained and authorized to take the Eucharist to those who are not able to
make it to church and still want to receive Communion.

Readers (Lectors)

Readers read the Old and New Testament lessons and lead the psalm and the Prayers of the People



Ushers greet people coming into church and distribute bulletins. They supervise passing the collection
plates and direct parishioners to the altar rail when it is time to receive Communion. Ushers are also
responsible for counting and recording the number of people present at each service.